Bride Age Christian Fellowship
Brother Virgil J Seepersad
Our mailing address is
Bride Age Christian Fellowship
2174 Pebble Beach Blvd
Orlando, FL 32826
May the Lord Jesus Christ continue to bless you as you follow Him.
Pastor Virgil J Seepersad (Personal Tel: 646-321-3317)
Sister Jasmin Seepersad
September 13, 2018
Greetings Saints I am both humbled and blessed to announce that I have entered the Ministry full time. Since the Lord Jesus Christ commissioned the start of the Bride Age Christian Fellowship on November 30, 2013 I have been serving on a part time basis and working full time to support the church. The Lord has since blessed us with inspiration, encouragement and revelation of His word for this hour. I am available to share this Gospel of the end time message to any church or believers as the LORD will lead. The believers and Pastor of the Bride Age Christian Fellowship send their greetings and prayer that the LORD continue to bless you all.
We appreciate your prayers and support.
Pastor Virgil J Seepersad and Sister Jasmin Seepersad