Archive Video Services 2024

Charity Never Faileth 2-11-2024 Brother Virgil J Seepersad, Pastor Bride Age Christian Fellowship, Orlando Florida, USA  Email: Tel: 407-561-8840


Changing From Jacob Grace To Joseph Perfection 02 18 2024 Brother Virgil Seepersad, Pastor Bride Age Christian Fellowship. Orlando Florida, USA  Email: Tel:407-561-8840


Rapturing Faith For The Body Change and The Marriage Supper 2 25 2024 Brother Virgil J Seepersad Pastor, Bride Age Christian Fellowship, Orlando Florida. USA  Email: Tel: 407-562-8840


Time No Longer 03 27 2024 Brother Virgil Seepersad, Pastor Bride Age Christian Fellowship, Orlando, Florida USA Website: Email: brideagechristianfellowship@gmail Tel: 407-561-8840


The Holy Ghost Dynamics Drives You To Calvary, Then to the Rapture 03 28 2024. Brother Virgil Seepersad, Pastor Bride Age Christian Fellowship.  Email: Tel: 407-561-8840



Death of A Corn Of Wheat 03 29 2024 Brother Virgil Seepersad, Pastor Bride Age Christian Fellowship. Email: Tel: 407-561-8840


Time No Longer:The Time Of Silence On The Earth 03 30 2024 Brother Virgil Seepersad, Pastor Bride Age Christian Fellowship.  Email: Tel: 407-561-8840


Time No Longer: Resurrection and The Wedding Supper Call 03 31 2024 Brother Virgil Seepersad, Pastor Bride Age Christian Fellowship. Email: Tel: 407-561-8840


Call to The Resurrection By The Voice of the Archangel 4-07- 2024 Brother Virgil Seepersad, Pastor, Bride Age Christian Fellowship. Orlando, Florida, USA. Email: Tel: 407-561-8840


Look Up, Lift Up Your Heads, Redemption Is Here 4-14- 2024 Brother Virgil Seepersad, Pastor, Bride Age Christian Fellowship. Orlando, Florida, USA Email: Tel: 407-561-8840


Redemption Is Here: Make Your Calling And Election Sure 4-12- 2024 Brother Virgil Seepersad, Pastor, Bride Age Christian Fellowship. Orlando, Florida, USA. Email: Tel: 407-561-8840


Redemption Is Here: Resurrection and Call to the Wedding Supper 04 24 2024. Brother Virgil Seepersad, Pastor, Bride Age Christian Fellowship. Orlando Florida. USA  Email: Tel: 407-561-8840